Smofcon 25 Resources
Marketing Resources
General Convention-Running Resources:
- Tips
for a First Time DivHead: Steve Huff wrote: "I was recently
Division Head of Fixed Functions for Arisia 2007. This was my first time
running a division, and I've written up some tips that helped me (and more
that would have helped me if I had thought of them in time) in the hopes
that they'll be useful to other first-time Division Heads."
- The SMOF-Files -- Somewhat
dated, but includes timeless information like the ever-useful
"7 Things To Put On A
Flyer/Poster/Ad" and other interesting overviews.
- Conrunner.net: The ConRunner's Wiki:
a collaborative guide on how to set up and run a science fiction convention
- The Smofcon
Mailing List: for discussion of Smofcon
Mailing List: Not so Secret Masters of Fandom Mailing list
- www.smofcon.org
Professional Meeting Planner websites & industry links: