Promotion to Artist Communities
- To promote the Art Show to artist communities and to artists in order to draw more exhibitors
- Genre artists
- Local Artists
- To promote the Art Show and Boskone to artist communities and to artists in order to draw new members
- Genre art organizations
- Local art organizations, museums, and colleges
Target Markets:
Artist events, Artist communities, Art schools/colleges/art departments, Artists, Organizers for Artist
Proposed Activities:
- Emails and Mailings to Genre artists and organizations
- Returning artists
- Genre artists who have not attended/exhibited
- Emails to artist organizations
- Inclusion in an email newsletter that reaches the Artist Communities
- Work with Neighborhood, City, and State agencies and organizations
- Mail postcards or flyers to local artist communities/organizations/ cultural centers
- Postcards or flyers "dropped" at Artist Events in City
- Events include Art Galleries Open Studios, or "First Friday" events
- Postcards or flyers dropped at locations where artists congregate
- Locations include gallery openings, "Main Street" events, etc. and/or at Coffee shops/Bookstores/etc.
- Press Releases to local art newspapers calling for art show exhibitors
Hard Costs:
- Funds to produce and mail a postcard/flyer
- Letterhead and envelopes
- Funds for postage to mail press releases
Other essentials:
- Artwork from Official Artist, and permission to use in promotion
- Designer for constructing an HTML email (optional)
- Designer for a postcard/flyer, plus text on the reverse about the art show (if no flyer)
- A mailing list
- Persons to distribute flyers at various drop points in City and surrounding towns
Local Promotion
- To garner more press
- To gain returning and new memberships
- To introduce convention to those who have not heard of it, and encourage new memberships
- Send press releases/notices to various media outlets.
- SF/F/H press & websites
- SF/F/H clubs
- Major City newspapers, Local City newspapers, Regional newspapers/magazines, college newspapers and radio stations, network and cable stations, Cultural offices of local municipalities, and local libraries
- Calendar Listings
- Cross-reference program participants with newspapers in their communities to tailor press releases
- Cross-reference program participants with their college associations (alum or current professor) to tailor and send press releases
- Send press releases/notices to local community organizations
- Libraries
- High Schools/ Elementary Schools
- Local Bookstores
- Writers groups
- Send press releases to special interest groups
- i.e., children’s author to childrens’ librarians; technology expert to technology press; etc.
Hard Costs:
- Letterhead and envelopes
- Funds for postage to mail press releases
- Press kit/flyers
Other essentials:
- Writer for press release(s)
- Press contact
- A mailing list