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September 04, 2004
Around the con
The Luggage was walking around in the ConCourse. (I got there just a minute too late to get a picture of Terry Pratchett watching it perambulate.)
At the NASA exhibit, the Retro Hugo for Werner von Braun's The Conquest of the Moon had been added to the moon rock display.
Literary Bheer in The Mended Drum with George R.R. Martin.
Posted by Leslie Turek at 11:58 PM in 5-Saturday | Permalink
Thanks most especially for the shot of the Luggage. Did it get a hall costume award?
Having seen Silverberg a few months ago, at the Nebulae when he was finally named Grandmaster, I was somewhat already used to seeing how our Eminence has grown into his look, but still. Ya gotta say he's looking exceptionally distinguished nowadays. Silverbob always did look classy, and the look suits him. Having known the guy for (gack!) let's see now, he was best man at my wedding in 190...no, no, wait, 1977???? anyway....Pope Silverberg's looking good.
Posted by: Andi Shechter | September 5, 2004 06:15 PM
Leslie: I did get a shot of the Luggage and Terry which is among the shots at http://www.ckdhr.com/ckd/pix/noreascon4/ at the moment (no editing or adjustment done yet, sorry).
Posted by: Christopher Davis | September 6, 2004 01:51 AM