September 09, 2004

Links to Convention Reports

Here are some links to Noreascon 4 reports that we're aware of....

Emerald City

Neil Gaiman

Jed Hartman

Ian Osmund


SFRevu photo albums

Kathryn Cramer

Stephen Leigh

Tom Veal

astolat on Live Journal

Cormac Russell reports on a number of panels.

View of the Hugo trophy from designer Scott Lefton's site.

Christopher Davis

David Levine, Part 1 and Part 2

MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

rushthatspeaks on Live Journal

Wired News

Jo Walton

Also, all of the at-con newsletters (including the hoax issue!) are available in PDF.

Posted by Noreascon 4 at 07:59 AM in 8-Post-Con | Permalink | Comments (3)