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September 05, 2004

The Hugo Awards

My apologies once again for the fuzzy pictures. I was taking them from the projection screen in a low light situation without a tripod, so they aren't so great, but maybe better than nothing...

GaimanNeil Gaiman was Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

PierreKyleDave Kyle presents the Big Heart Award to Erwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss for his years of service to fandom. Filthy responded to a standing ovation by saying that he liked doing what he did, and planned to continue doing it. In a bit of a coincidence, the Noreascon 4 Special Committee Award was also given to Filthy, occasioning a second standing ovation.

P1010010Robert Silverberg told stories from the past 50 Hugo ceremonies (as the only person who has attended every one of them).

HugoDesignHugo designer Scott Lefton describes this year's Hugos, which featured rocket flames formed from copper and brass.

GaimanHugoNeil Gaiman accepting the Best Short Story Hugo for "A Study in Emerald".

SwanwickMichael Swanwick accepting the Best Novelette Hugo for "Legions in Time".

Posted by Leslie Turek at 12:22 AM in 5-Saturday | Permalink


Someone post who won the site selection!

Posted by: Bob | September 5, 2004 01:29 AM

AFAIK there has been no "best site" category this year. It has been added to the Glasgow Hugos next year.

Posted by: Spriggana | September 5, 2004 04:22 AM

Nippon 2007 won yesterday's site selection. I don't have the details yet, but they'll be posted in the at-con newsletter this morning. I'll also ask our web team to post the results to our main page as soon as possible.

Posted by: Deb Geisler | September 5, 2004 07:48 AM

Photos from both Hugo cermonies and around Noreascon have been going up during the convention at www.midamericon.org/photoarchive/04world01.htm"

Posted by: Keith Stokes | September 5, 2004 01:20 PM

It would be great if we could see the statistical info about _nominating votes_ issued in the Hugo presss release. I keep asking for it without result, which is strange since it's already been distributed.

Posted by: Mike Glyer | September 19, 2004 05:35 PM

You will now find the nomination extended statistics on our web site.

For full nomination results for the Retrospective Hugo Awards for work done in 1953, see www.noreascon.org/hugos/RetroHugoNominationDetails.html

For full nomination results for the 2004 Hugo Awards, see www.noreascon.org/hugos/HugoNominationDetails.html

We're sorry for the delay in making these results available.

Posted by: Deb Geisler | September 21, 2004 01:17 PM

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