Boston, Massachusetts
December 5-7, 1997
Come explore the diversity of smofdom! Great conventions come in all sizes. Small conventions and large ones share many of the same problems and opportunities--and lessons learned cross all boundaries. Smofcon is about the art of convention running and Smofcon 15 will focus on interactivity and getting everyone included.
We promise you new and exciting activities, terrific food, fascinating convention horror stories, a cornucopia of chocolate, an awesome program, a wonderful con suite at the hub of the convention, and great restaurants in a marvelous city. (Did we mention food?) Come and smof till you drop!
Smofcon Wants You!
Smofcon is open to all fans interested in all aspects of convention running. Contrary to rumor, it is not invitational! Whether you are helping out for the first time at your local convention or you have been a Worldcon Chair or Division Head, there's something that you can learn (or teach) at Smofcon. Ideas come from the most unexpected sources. Fans will be sharing experiences and exchanging neat ideas in the hospitality suite, over meals, and in the bar, as well as during discussion groups and panel items.
Latest changes as of April 23, 2001.
Added Program Participants to the Tentative Smofcon 15 Program Schedule.
Smofcon 15 Members as of December 6, 1997.
Membership Form to join Smofcon 15.
Smofcon 15 Publications
Flyer, Progress Report 1, and Progress Report 2. We will be including "mini-résumés" of Smofcon attendees in the material distributed at-con. We will be including "mini-résumés" of Smofcon attendees in the material distributed at-con. Please email the information to John Lorentz.
Information about the Resource Room, mailing list, etc.
Smofcon 15 is using the Doubletree
Suites in Boston, MA.
How to get here.
A Guide to Restaurants and other useful places in Boston, Cambridge and Brighton/Allston. Ice cream for the Saturday night ice cream frenzy was obtained from Toscanini's in Cambridge.
Weather in Boston in December can be variable.
Find out more about Boston and interesting activities there.
The organization behind Smofcon 15. Find out more about the committee, who we are, and what else we are doing. Noreascon Four will be discussed at the next MCFI meeting.
Smofcon 19, The 2001 Smofcon will be held in York, England, on the weekend of December 7-9.
Memberships are $40 or £25.
UK Mailing address is:
Smofcon 19, KIM Campbell, 69 Lincoln St., Leeman Rd., York YO2 4YP UK.
US Mailing address is:
Smofcon 19, Ben Yalow, 3242 Tibbett Ave., Bronx, NY 10463.
Photos from Smofcon 15 are available for viewing.
The final membership list has been updated.
Teddy Harvia has been busily working on Conrunning Merit Badges to signify various expertise.
Table of Smofcons. MCFI-run Smofcons: Smofcon 3 * * Smofcon 15 * * Smofcon 25

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