Boston, Massachusetts

December 5-7, 1997

When Things Go Wrong...

Come explore the diversity of smofdom! The art of running a great convention is not limited to any one size or type. Small conventions and large ones share many of the same problems and opportunities--and lessons learned cross all boundaries. Our theme will reflect the interactivity of the "Smofcon Game" with emphasis on subjects like "What to Do When Things Go Wrong", "Trust and Team Building", "Bringing Technology to Conventions--and When Not To!", "So-And-So Forgot to Be Told About X", "Green Eggs and Ham (or, Bad Food at Banquets)", and "Problem Solving Without Assigning Blame".

We promise you new and exciting interactive activities, terrific food, fascinating convention horror stories, a cornucopia of chocolate, an awesome program, a wonderful con suite at the hub of the convention, and great restaurants in a marvelous city. (Did we mention food?) Come and smof till you drop!

Our Hotel

The beautiful Doubletree Suites in Boston, MA; every room is a 2-room suite with a view of the Charles River and Cambridge. Right in the city, it has easy access by car or air. Our con suite is the huge Presidential Suite. It's less than a mile from Harvard Square or MIT and has a free shuttle to many parts of Boston and Cambridge. And you get free cookies on check-in!

Hotel rates are $99 per night for single through quad rooms. Reservations should be made separately with the Boston Doubletree by calling +1-617-783-0090, and mentioning MCFI. Call before November 1, 1997 to insure this rate.

Use this membership form to join Smofcon 15.

Smofcon 15 Restaurant Guide

The Smofcon 15 Restaurant Guide will be a growing document featuring many restaurants that are near the Doubletree Suites Hotel, or elsewhere in the Boston area.

If I Ran The Zoo Circus...Con

With your help we would like to start developing the long-awaited second volume of the "Smofcon Game". What's your favorite (well, ...) disaster? How did it unfold? How could it have been made worse; or better? Submit new scenarios for the most sought-after (well, only!) con-running role-playing game.

Become world-famous instantly! See your name in genuine print!
Write to our PO Box or send email to

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