Resource Room
As at many of the past Smofcons, there will be a resource room available for people to see what other Smofcons have covered, and what other conventions have produced. There will also be computers to use, meeting magazines, hotel books, etc. Since one of our planned workshops is "Badge Technology", we would like you to bring samples of previous convention badges. We're also planning to have a workshop on publications in general, so please bring samples of other convention items such as souvenir books, pocket programs, progress reports, flyers, souvenir items, T-Shirts, gifts for volunteers, etc.
Badges, We Do Need Stinkin' Badges
Badges are not only useful for showing who is a member of the convention, but for telling each other about who we are. We have a chance to decide now what should be included besides names. Do you want city, state/country? Area of expertise? Email address? Something else? Please let us know.
The names themselves will be readable from a reasonable distance. We promise!
Smofcon 16
If you're interested in hosting next year's Smofcon, please let us know. The Smofcon 15 membership will choose the next Smofcon sometime Saturday.
Table of Smofcons
We are collecting information from previous Smofcons. Please contribute to the list if you can.
Smofcon 15 Mailing List
A Smofcon 15 Mailing list is being set up at to discuss ideas for program, schmoozing, and any other interesting stuff that comes up. To sign-up for the mailing list send an email message saying "subscribe smofcon" to We will also be contacting people about being added to this mailing list.

© MCFI, 2001-2009. All rights to content reserved to Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Incorporated, unless otherwise indicated.
Address inquiries to MCFI, P.O. Box 1010, Framingham, MA 01701;
617-776-3243 (fax);
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