Smofcon 15 Program

This year's Smofcon program will have a single track of general interest items covering "Rules & Procedures", "People", "Creativity", and "Techniques". Alongside the general program will be a second track of focused workshops and discussion groups.

Some of the items we're considering for both tracks are on our preliminary program page.

These are only our ideas. We want yours! So--if there are subjects that you are interested in, or a problem that you want solved, please let us know, and we'll try to accommodate you (if you help us.) We want this Smofcon to cover your interests as well as ours.

Tentative Schedule

Updated with Tentative Smofcon 15 Program Schedule.

We plan to start activities late Friday afternoon with introductory items (introducing both Smofcon and fans to each other). We do not expect everyone on site then, but we are planning some fun things to get us started.

For Friday evening's ice-breaker event we are planning Spin City. We need your help for this. What problems (or disasters) occurred at your con, or at a convention you attended? We want to collect short (1-2 sentence) descriptions, and we'll be asking people to "spin" them into a better light. Also, if you don't have an actual disaster, why don't you invent one?

Saturday's schedule will start at 10:00 am, include a lunch break, and continue until 5:30 pm. There will be a longer dinner break, and then we will reconvene for our Saturday night event. We are still deciding among several fun ideas for Saturday, so please stay tuned. Note: we are not planning a standard "Fannish Inquisition". (This doesn't mean you're off the hook ... come prepared to answer questions.)

Sunday will have additional programming until 4:00 pm, then we'll adjourn to the hospitality suite for Dead Smof Partying.

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