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September 05, 2004

Nippon 2007 Wins Site Selection

At this morning's WSFA Business Meeting, site selection administrator Patrick Molloy announced that vote counting took place last night, taking 1 hr and 36 min. 1686 valid ballots were received. 38 selected "No Preference", leaving 1648 valid ballots expressing a preference, requiring 825 votes for a majority. The results were:

1 Highmore SD
1 Dunadin
1 Rottnest Island
1 Monkey's Eyebrow KY
1 Monkey's Elbow KY
1 Louisville in '94
3 Minneapolis in '73
12 None of the Above
692 Columbus in 2007
935 Nippon 2007

Chairman Hiroaki Inoue read some brief remarks in Japanese that were translated into English by another committee member. He thanked the voters, the Columbus committee, the Noreascon 4 committee, Peggy Rae Sapienza, agent Andrew Adams, and Takumi Shibani, who first started the bid.

Convention name will be "Nippon 2007" and the dates will be Aug 30 - Sept 3, 2007, in Yokohama, Japan.

Author Guests of Honor will be Sakyo Komatsu and David Brin. Artist Guests of Honor will be Yoshitaka Amano and Michael Whelan. Fan Guest of Honor Takumi Shibano.

Their PR0, with detailed hotel, travel, and conversion information was distributed.

The chair clarified that the vote for the 2007 NASFic will be held at Cascadiacon next year.

Posted by Leslie Turek at 10:34 AM in 6-Sunday | Permalink


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