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September 05, 2004

Morning and one Panel


I slept a lot and had fun this morning just shooting the breeze with my husband and my roommate. Lunch was brief and I managed to post one update. Then it was off to a reading. I had missed Michelle's reading (darn) which I had really wanted to hear, but food was more important. I made it to Michael Burstein's reading. It was a lot of fun. He read a yet-to-be-published story that will be appearing early next year in an anthology "I, Alien" edited by Mike Resnick. It was a gas. I will be picking up the anthology just on the basis of that one story. And Michael was kind enough to sign the manuscript for me and gift it to me. *SQUEEE*

Now I'm off to the Strange Horizons tea party. Talley-ho!

Posted by Dawn Burnell at 05:10 PM in 6-Sunday | Permalink



You were most welcome for the signed manuscript. I'm glad you liked the reading, and I'll be sure to tell Mike Resnick that you plan to buy the book simply for that one story. :-)

Posted by: Michael A. Burstein | September 6, 2004 05:30 PM

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