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August 31, 2004

Introduction - Michael A. Burstein

Hello to all readers of this blog. As requested, here's a short introduction.

I've been involved in fandom since 1992, when my (now) wife Nomi took me to my first convention, Arisia '92. Since then, we became active members of NESFA and ran Logistics for Boskone a few years; we also published two issues of a fanzine, Burstzine, with more hopefully to come. We're on Program Staff for this convention, and we also helped with a lot of proofreading.

I'm also a writer. Most of my stories have appeared in Analog, and members of Worldcon have graciously nominated my work for the Hugo six times. In fact, at this very convention I am competing in the Short Story category against three previous winners (Neil Gaiman, Joe Haldeman, and Mike Resnick) and one newcomer (David D. Levine). If you really want to know more about me, feel free to check out my bio in the program book or on my webpage (at http://www.mabfan.com).

We're very heavily programmed this con, but my goal is to try to post here as often as possible, giving a window into the life of someone who has feet planted firmly both in fandom and prodom. So for example, today I spent the morning writing my five pages, and then I headed to the Hynes and Sheraton to help out. I took advantage of the opportunity to pick up our badges, and then spent three hours stuffing packets for program participants for Priscilla Olson and Janice Gelb. Others who helped out included Tom Galloway, Dan Kimmel, Paris _____, and Rick Katze.

It's fun being active behind the scenes before the convention begins. There's a feeling of anticipation in the air, along with all the minor crises that always seem to happen. But as I went around talking to people, I realized how much everyone loved being there. This group is really trying to put on the best darn Worldcon they can.

On my way out, I happened to run into Sue & Steve Francis of Kentucky. Three years ago, at Mil Phil, Sue & Steve greeted Nomi and me at a party and we had a one-hour conversation about the weather. Nomi and I really needed that downtime, as we had been going all out the whole con. I was delighted when the next night the Francises won the Big Heart Award (even as I lost a Hugo), as they really reminded us what is to be a welcoming member of fandom. Today, I thanked them again.

Tomorrow, since we're local, I'll check Nomi and myself in a day early with all our stuff (including three bags of kosher food). Thursday afternoon will begin our major schedule. We're programmed at 2 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM, and 9 PM.

Posted by Michael A. Burstein at 09:41 PM in 1-Pre-Con | Permalink


I can't quite believe that I predate you in fandom, though years of gafiating should count against me.

(I have attended every Boston Boskone and every Boston Worldcon since Bill Buckner's famous error.)

Posted by: Christopher Davis | August 31, 2004 10:58 PM

Glad to see another friendly face. And I wanted to mention how much I enjoyed your (current) Hugo-nominated story.

Posted by: Dawn Burnell | September 1, 2004 01:23 AM

I suspect Parris might be Parris (McBride?), who I also saw passing out program participant packages, whom I met in the 70s in the DC area and is now associated (?) with George RR Martin in my head.

Posted by: Judy Bemis | September 9, 2004 05:04 AM

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