Historical Resaurants in/near Boston
The Union Oyster House bills itself as the oldest restaurant in Boston and the oldest restaurant in continuous service in the U. S. (since 1826).
Jacob Wirth's is the second-oldest restaurant, opened in 1868 by a German immigrant. It still features the original long mahogany bar, although the sawdust on the floor has been removed, a casualty of changing health regulations.
Durgin-Park's slogan is "Your Grandfather & perhaps your Great Grandfather dined with us too". This is a market restaurant featuring traditional foods like Indian pudding, apple pan dowdy, johnny cake, and New England boiled dinners.
A drive out in the suburbs brings you to Longfellow's Wayside Inn, which dates from 1716. Originally a tavern along Boston's Post Road, it passed through several owners, including Henry Ford, and now operates again as a restaurant and inn with overnight accomodations.
--Leslie Turek
I love the Wayside Inn. It's a great place for locals and tourists alike to go to. During the fall, it is especially nice, as the town of Sudbury has a lot of winding rural roads with maple trees everywhere. I guess parts of it were hit by that recent windstorm; hopefully the damage wasn't too serious.
Posted by: Travel Guide of America | February 21, 2006 at 12:47 PM