The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

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May 02, 2004

First Night Needs Your Help

We invite you and your fan group or organization to participate in bringing a unique experience to the fans at Noreascon Four by organizing a piece of our First Night celebration.

Progress Report 5 summarized the idea: We'll have performers, games, demonstrations, activities and spectacles throughout the convention facilities to help you experience the broad scope of Noreascon 4. Travel from Boston to Ankh Morpork; meet fans and pros; get the inside view of our exhibits and art show; frolic with SF clubs and Worldcon bids. Something for everyone and everything for someone!

Sounds great, doesn't it? And it can be. And that's where your fan group/club/convention comes in. To make First Night into something memorable, it will take a lot of effort from a lot of people. But we're not just looking for selfless volunteers to help out (though we'll take them, certainly). A vital part of the First Night concept is to celebrate and provide a venue for the many different subgroups that make up fandom. To this end, First Night activities will include the opportunity for groups to set up carnival booths or games. These will provide a great way for your group to have some fun and at the same time make your club/activity/convention known to fans and pros from around the world. The First Night committee has a couple of ideas for booths. so if your group is lacking inspiration, if not desire, we have a place for you! (But of course your original ideas are very welcome as well).

First Night also plans to have wandering and stationary performers of all kinds, so if someone in your organization is a juggler, musician, magician, face-painter, quick-sketch artist, creator of unique balloon animals (or aliens, for that matter) or possessed of some other talent, we want to hear from you!

First Night Noreascon is shaping up to be something truly special and unique, and we hope you will want to be a part of it. Booth space is limited. If you would like to participate, please contact us at

We look forward to working with you on First Night.