Words, We Want Words
As part of our exhibits design for Noreascon 4, we want to collect SF and fannish "Familiar Quotations". We'd like them to be about SF, Fantasy, or Fandom and, as much as possible, also be by people in the field.
Examples include the obvious ("The Golden Age of SF is 12", Sturgeon's Law), book or story first lines ("Once upon a time there was a Martian named Valentine Michael Smith"), well-known media phrases ("He's dead, Jim"), fannish quotes ("No costume is no costume"), and so forth.
So please send us some quotes that you think deserve to be recognized. If possible, point to where they've been published so we can check the wording and attribution.
We'll use selected quotes at the convention, and try to post the full set of submissions on the net eventually.
How about for quotes:
The thing about aliens is, they're alien.
Gregory Benford
Posted by: g benford | July 05, 2004 at 07:28 PM