Q: What will the hotel rates be? When will I be able to reserve my room? Why does the hotel say there are no rooms available?
A: We have contracts with both the Providence Westin and Biltmore hotels, which are now accepting reservations.
As of September 23, our Westin block is sold out -- every room we had in our contract, and the extras they added due to demand. (They don't have any more available for us.)
As of October 12, our Biltmore block is also sold out.
Westin Hotel: 401-598-8000; Single/Double: $129; Triple/Quad: $149
Providence Biltmore: 401-421-0700; Superior Single/Double: $99; Junior Suite Single/Double: $109; Parlor Suite Single/Double: $159
The main WFC hotels are now full. To keep rooms 'in the family' we'd appreciate it that if you need to cancel a room, you would cancel it through us. Send us email at: info@noreascon.org.
Q: How can I get information about selling in the Dealers' Room or exhibiting in the Art Show?
A: We have allocated almost all of the tables in the Dealers' Room and have established a waiting list. If you'd like to be considered, please contact info@noreascon.org, or a note (PO Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701 USA, Attn: Dealers' Room) to request the application form and information. Please note that the focus of WFC is specifically literary, and the Dealers' Room is juried.
We have allocated almost all of the panels and tables in the Art Show and have established a waiting list. To be sent information, see the letter and rules online or send us email to info@noreascon.org, or a note (PO Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701 USA, Attn: Art Show).
Q: I'm interested in participating in the WFC program; what's your policy regarding memberships?
A: We look forward to developing a wide-ranging program which will highlight as many facets of fantasy literature as we have time, space, and members to discuss. However, the policy of World Fantasy Conventions is that complimentary memberships are extended only to our honored guests, their companions, and the year's World Fantasy Award judges.
We already have many exciting ideas, and are soliciting more from people all over the country. If you have suggestions for program topics and/or ideas for who might discuss what, please print out our questionnaire and send it to us at our address below or send email to info@noreascon.org.
Q: When will the program be available?
A: We expect that we'll upload the program to this web site about three weeks before the convention.
Q: Is there anything you can tell us now, I need to make travel plans?
A: We have added a table detailing the preliminary planned hours for various functions.
Q: How much time should I allow to drive to or from the airports?
A: This is very dependent on traffic and construction, but we guesstimate that the hotels are 20 minutes from Providence's T.F. Green airport, and 90 minutes from Boston's Logan airport.
Q: Can I pay by credit card?
A: Yes. Please print out our registration form and mail or fax it in. Our fax number is +1-617-776-3243. Please do not email your information -- we do not have a secure server to accept your credit card transactions.
Q: Will the convention provide babysitting or child care services?
A: We don't know, yet. We're aware that some of our members have young children, but we don't know how many of them might be at the convention, or what services will be appropriate. Please send us email (info@noreascon.org) or a note (PO Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701 USA) if you might be interested in using these services, including the age of the child(ren) as of November 1999.
Q: Why a Pineapple?
A: (Well, it's better than a duck. But really...)
In the days when ship captains were people of note in their home towns, it was customary for a captain who had returned from a long voyage to put a pineapple in front of his house. (This motif became permanent for those who grew wealthy from the sea; in Annapolis and Newport, among others, fine houses have wooden pineapples on the gateposts.) Simply read, it was a sign that the voyager was "at home", so the pineapple is commonly used as a symbol of hospitality.
More broadly, it meant, "I have returned from distant places with strange new goods", "I am available to talk about my voyage" -- and, on a more practical note, "I'm ready to do business about the goods I've brought back." All of these are appropriate extensions of our theme: we are all interested in the goods and experiences brought by returning voyagers, and many of us come to World Fantasy Conventions to do business over the results of our own voyages.
Our metaphorical pineapples are different in one particular: according to a
Hawaiian friend, the finest pineapples are consumed as they're harvested and never
make it out of the fields, but we hope everyone will bring their especially prized
tales and experiences to this convention.
Q: Where can I get more information about World Fantasy Convention 2000?
A: Please visit the World Fantasy Convention 2000 web site or write to:
World Fantasy Convention 2000
PO Box 27277
Austin, TX 78755
or email fduartejr@aol.com
Q: Where can I get more information about World Fantasy Convention 1998?
A: Please visit the World Fantasy Convention 1998 web site or write to:
World Fantasy Convention 1998
555 Bryant St., #552
Palo Alto,
CA 94301
or email wfc98-com@pensfa.org
Q: Where can I get more information about World Fantasy Conventions in general?
A: Please visit the Official World Fantasy Convention web site.
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