Sad news
The Noreascon 4 committee is saddened to hear of the passing of George Flynn, F.N., yesterday morning, August 29, 2004. George was a mainstay of Boston-area fandom for many years, serving as the Secretary of Noreascon 2 and the WSFS Division Head for Noreascon 3. Noreascon 4 Chair Deb Geisler writes, "George Flynn was a gentlefan, a kindly man, a scathing wit, and a treasure deeply prized by Boston fandom. When he spoke with us several weeks ago, telling us he would not be able to attend N4, we were grieved."
I worked closely with George on Noreascon II and he was an indefatigable worker, doing everything he could to ensure the success of the convention. He proofread nearly everything I wrote and taught me a lot of what I know, not only about grammer and spelling, but also about how to write clearly and concisely. But I think George's outstanding feature was his strong moral sense and his courage in espousing what he felt was the right course, even if it sometimes ran against the more popular or expendent options. It is really very sad that he will not be able to attend Noreascon Four, a convention we all worked toward together for so many years.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | August 30, 2004 at 08:56 AM
This is very sad news. It seems very unfair for George to die just before Worldcon.
My favorite memory of George was when we were discussing a certain Heinlein novel, I think one of the juveniles. I mentioned casually that although it was a juvenile, I hadn't read it until I was in my 20s, after my teens. George replied that he hadn't read it until after his teens either, because it hadn't been written yet.
He will be missed.
Posted by: Michael A. Burstein | August 30, 2004 at 09:13 AM
Though I didn't know him well, his contributions were evident at every NESFA meeting. Always reliable, he'll be missed.
Posted by: Gary McGath | August 30, 2004 at 12:19 PM
George Flynn was everything a fan is supposed to be: well read, hard working, friendly, outgoing,involved in nearly every aspect of fanac. He overcame a speech defect that would have beaten down a lesser man. It was more his courteous manner than his intimate knowledge of Roberts' Rule of Order that enable him to bring peaceful endings to many contentious fannish debates.
George was that rare individual who was both a Trufan and a true Gentleman.
Posted by: Joe Rico | August 30, 2004 at 01:21 PM
A number of people on the Trufen mailing list have expressed their sadness upon receiving the news of George's death.
I'll miss seeing him at Corflus, as a quiet, but well-liked member of our garrulous, smoke-drenched contingent of fanzine fans. I'll also miss him as a science fiction scholar, NESFA Press promoter, and friendly Hugo/WSFS/Worldcon policy wonk -- as good a member of our tribe as anyone could ever ask for.
Posted by: Lenny Bailes | August 30, 2004 at 10:58 PM
George was a gentleman, and always kind to me as a nervous young (then a nervous but not so young) fan at conventions. He will be greatly missed.
Posted by: Velma deSelby Bowen | August 30, 2004 at 11:10 PM
I didn't know George as well as I'd have liked, nor for as long as I'd have liked. Aside from internet contact, I'd met him at a few Boston-area conventions where we talked fanzines for a little while each time, and he made the impression on me as someone who took time to talk with anyone and everyone. We're all emptier now with his passing, but heartened and inspired by his memory.
Posted by: John Teehan | August 31, 2004 at 04:36 AM
George was that rare type of fan who managed gracefully to talk across many of the fannish boundaries. He fully participated in deep winded smoffing conversations and was respected by both sides in many controversies. He attended and worked with fanzines - what some of those fans see as a disappearing fan activity. He was deeply and widely read and could discourse with knowledge and courtesy in many different areas. He worked to be precise and direct in his relations with all people.
His passing is a loss to fandom. I am sorry I did not take more time to talk with him, and I will miss him in many places and times.
Posted by: joyce scrivner | August 31, 2004 at 12:08 PM
Aw, hell.
Posted by: Andi Shechter | September 02, 2004 at 11:25 PM