Looking for People Who Like to Write or Draw
The Noreascon 4 daily newsletter (it's sort of like a blog except it's printed on paper) is looking for people to write or draw their experiences during Noreascon 4.
Did you find a nice restaurant (or the Restaurant From Hell) that you would like to review? Attend any program items or events that you feel like reporting about or illustrating to other Noreascon 4 members? Overhear any witty bon mots? Sketched an amusing drawing of some aspect of the convention?
You can submit your contributions by dropping them in the mailboxes attached to the newsletter distribution kiosks around the convention, visiting our office in the ConCourse in Hall C of the Hynes, sending e-mail to newsletter@noreascon.org, or visit the Newsletter page on the N4 web site and fill out the handy dandy web submission form.
Naturally, we also welcome anyone wishing to join the newsletter staff. Please visit the Volunteer Desk in the ConCourse in Hall C of the Hynes to volunteer for the newsletter.
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