The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

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September 10, 2003

Retrospective Hugo Information Available

As previously announced, Noreascon Four will be presenting retrospective Hugos for the year 1953, as provided for in the World Science Fiction Society constitution. All members of Torcon 3 and Noreascon Four are eligible to nominate for these Hugos, and all members of Noreascon Four are eligible to vote.

To help you become familiar with the eligible work, we have produced a 32-page booklet reviewing the year 1953, with articles by Andrew Porter, Joe Siclari, Juanita Coulson, Robert Silverberg, Don D'Amassa, Mark Olson, Jim Mann, Alex Eisenstein, and Daniel M. Kimmel. The booklet was first distributed to the audience at the Hugo Ceremony at Torcon 3.

Those of you who were not at Torcon 3 can download it in PDF format, or can ask us to send you a physical copy by sending your name and address to