The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

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September 29, 2003

Program Brainstorming Weblog is Open

We've got a pretty creative programming staff, but it's always true that the more people you can draw on, the more good ideas you can come up with. So to tap your collective brains, Noreascon 4 has set up a Program Brainstorming weblog. If you have thoughts about what you'd like to see on the Noreascon 4 program, please head over there to add your comments. What program items have you seen at other conventions that worked well and you think we should copy or build on? What have you always been hoping someone would do but haven't seen yet? Please stop by and give us your ideas!


When I have attended past WorldCons and NASFics I've enjoyed attending and participating various intriguing panel discussions. While conventional wisdom says a variety of viewpoints and opinions are required, I would quibble with that point. Sometimes the point counterpoint idea generates more heat than light. Some possible controversial topics might be better received if the varying degrees of 'pro' opinions were on one panel, and the 'con' opinions were presented on a second independent panel. Then if the programming department wants a pro/con panel or debate that could be third independent panel. Not all controversial topics may need this degree of seperation, but it is a suggestion I would like to put forward. The intersections of politics, religion, and sexuality are where I would recommend this seperation of pro/con panels. For example in discussing Sawyer's Parallax series treatments of bisexuality/homosexuality and atheism/spirituality when compared to the novel "Ring of Swords" treatment of same/similar topics by Eleanor Arneson. (or other SF/F genre books that have significant discussions of l/b/g/t and atheism/ spirituality.