ConJosé Planning Gulp of July 20, 2002 at Chairman Deb's house
We are planning to use a commercial shipper to send the MCFI and NESFA
materials to ConJose. Material will be put on pallets in a rental truck,
wrapped, and then taken to the freight terminal. The packing session
will be on August 17 at the NESFA clubhouse. (Volunteer help is
welcomed.) On the return, we will be probably be taking some Worldcon
Exhibits material, which will later go on to Torcon, so we can use help
again on Monday at the Worldcon to get this packed up for shipping.
Tony Lewis will take the lead on running a membership sales table at the con. Tim Szczesuil will be acting treasurer, since Ted Atwood cannot attend. Volunteers to work the table will be welcomed.
On Friday night, there will be a party of interest to us in the Con Suite - a Discworld party run by the "Ankh Morpork Guild of Seamstresses". The ladies welcome set-up help especially, and also people in Victorian garb. Volunteers included Naomi, Elaine, Ann, Ruth, and Priscilla's Victorian gown. Additional volunteers should contact Denise Connell.
The Noreascon 4 party will be on Saturday night, run by Gay Ellen Dennett. The theme will be Mad Scientists. Party hosts will be dressed in lab coats, and we discussed creative decorations, many involving dry ice. We'd like to serve blue drinks in disposable Ehrlenmeyer flasks or lab beakers. Anyone with access to lab coats or cool sources of mad scientist gear that will add to the ambiance is invited to contact us with information.
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