August 20, 2003
We invite your help
Each Worldcon has the sad responsibility to publish in the convention's program book a list of the people we have lost from our community during the previous year. To ensure that we don't miss anyone, Noreascon 4 will use this weblog to list the people we are currently aware of who may be on our In Memoriam list. If you are know of someone who should be listed that we don't yet have, we invite you to submit the name by clicking on the Comment link below. Thanks very much for your help!
August 20, 2003 | Permalink
Gordon Creighton (1908-2003), U.K. diplomat, civil servant & editor of _Flying Saucer Review_, d. 16 July.
James Hale (?1946-2003), U.K. editor and literary agent, d. 14 Aug.
William Woolfolk (1917-2003), U.S. novelist, TV writer who scripted many 1940s comics, d. 20 July
Posted by: Deb Geisler | September 12, 2003 09:50 AM
Correction for P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery. Her date of death was August 26 (the Tuesday before Worldcon), not April 26 (that was a typo in the Torcon newsletter)
Posted by: Patrick Molloy | September 16, 2003 09:38 AM
Stolen from the October 2003 Ansible
_Kir Bulychev_ (1934-2003) was the sf pseudonym of Russian author
and historian Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, who died on 5 September. [L] Jan Vanek describes him as prolific and `popular throughout Eastern
Europe especially for his _Alice_ series of lighthearted children's
adventures.' [
_Marilyn E.Marlow_, [addendum] died 25 August, aged 75.
_Jules Engel_ (1909-2003), Hungarian-born US animator best known for his work on Walt Disney's _Fantasia_ (1940), died on 6 September aged 94. [AIP]
[] _Gordon Mitchell_ (1923-2003), American bodybuilder-turned-actor who
starred in numerous, mostly Italian, fantasy, horror and sf movies
(_Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks_, _Endgame_, etc) died on 20 September
aged 80. [S] [] _Jay Morton_ (1911-2003), former writer/artist at the
Fleischer animation studios, who scripted many of the 1940s _Superman_
cartoons and wrote their well known `Faster than a speeding bullet ...'
introduction, died on 6 September; he was 92. [PDF] [] _Donald O`Connor_
(1925-2003), US actor who starred or co-starred in the first six `Francis
the Talking Mule' films (1950-55), died on 27 September; he was 78. `It
was wonderful at first. But after three pictures Francis started getting
more fan mail than I did and I said "This can`t happen."' [DW] [] _Warren
Zevon_, (1947-2003) US singer/songwriter famed for the song `Werewolves
of London', died from lung cancer on 7 September; he was 56. Zevon also
wrote theme songs and scores for TV's _Tales from the Crypt_ and _William
Shatner's Tekwar_. [AIP] [] _Belated Update._ A.P.Lukashin reports the
deaths of three Russian authors who have Clute/Nicholls _SF Encyclopedia_
entries: Vladimir Dudintsev (1918-1998), Viktor Kolupayev (1936-2001),
and Lydia Obukhova (1924-1991).
Posted by: Anthony Lewis | October 2, 2003 04:29 PM
That's Shrek!
(the exclamation point is part of the title of the book; it wasn't used for the movie - minor correction for the Steig write-up.)
Posted by: Laurie Mann | October 7, 2003 08:50 PM
Hal Clement...sigh
Is there any way to list the names from most current death to least current death?
Posted by: Laurie Mann | October 29, 2003 08:30 PM
Right now, sorting of sidebar lists is not supported in TypePad. This may be an enhancement later.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | October 29, 2003 11:20 PM
Martin Smith was born in 1963, not 1931 -- I was at his 40th birthday party earlier this year.
Posted by: Mike Scott | November 5, 2003 10:55 AM
Donald Jackson, director of cult film "Hell Comes to Frog Town" and other genre offerings, died Oct. 20, 2003. Here's information (reposted with permission) from the Boston Science Fiction Marathon messageboard:
Sadly, a dear friend of mine, Film Director DONALD G. JACKSON has passed on.
While a relatively minor figure in the genre world, Don was responsible for the highly amusing HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN series as well as related items such as DEMON LOVER, the ROLLERBLADE series and THE GUNS OF EL CHUPACABRA. Plus, he directed the legendary Roger Corman Wrestling documentary I LIKE TO HURT PEOPLE.
I met Don on HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN, and he was the original Writer, Cinematographer, Producer and Director. A man of many talents. The industry and its changes did not serve Don well, but he perservered and continued to work. He was a very early advocate for Video and later DV Production and later devised his Zen Filmmaking technique.
Several months ago, the DGA held a screening of THE DEMON LOVER DIARY (a documentary on the making of D.L.). Afterwards Don "held court" with the audience and later at a more private get together with some of his closest friends. I like to think of it as his last public hurrah.
A battle with Leukemia took its toll. On October 20th, he succumbed.
R.I.P. Don.
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | November 6, 2003 06:43 AM
As an addendum to the Donald Jackson obit, he was born Oct. 24, 1943.
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | November 9, 2003 04:37 PM
Bob Ingria, 1950? - 2003.
I knew Bob through work, rather than through fandom; I know he was involved in the Readercons and in many Boston areas activities. Perhaps some local fans could fill in more information.
Posted by: David Elworthy | November 9, 2003 10:36 PM
I found a reference in Bob Colby's Sept 28. Live Journal page saying Bob Ingria had died "some months ago" of a heart attack and that he was 50 years old.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | November 10, 2003 11:35 AM
Lloyd Arthur Eshbach (1910-2003), founder of the Fantasy Press and author of several novels, died October 29. His editions of Edward E. Smith, John W. Campbell, P. Schuyler Miller, A. E. Van Vogt, Eric Frank Russell, and numerous others (about 47 titles, not the 32 mistakenly entered in the SFWA obituary) were among the earliest hard-cover editions in science fiction.
Posted by: John A Barnstead | November 11, 2003 05:23 PM
KIM Campbell died this afternoon (11/15/03). I'm not sure how old she was - probably about 50 (Ben might know her birthday). She was a moving force behind the Glasgow Worldcons and the Smofcon in York in 2001.
I'll miss her.
Posted by: Laurie Mann | November 15, 2003 04:25 PM
Jim Cryer died November 19, 2003 from a massive Heart attack. Chuck Shimada informed me of the news. Funeral arrangements are pending in Phoenix. Jim of course was a regular fixture at Gallifrey in Van Nuys Calif, and worked tirelessly in Phoenix Fandom. He will be missed.
Mike Donahue
Posted by: Mike Donahue | November 20, 2003 03:55 PM
Penny Singleton
Voice of Jane Jetson from 1962 - 1990 (TV Show and Movies)
Blondie Bumstead from 1938 to 1950 (30 Movies)
b:15 September 1908
d: 12 November 2003
Sherman Oaks, California, USA. (complications of a stroke)
Posted by: Robert Rosenberg | November 27, 2003 12:35 PM
Albert Nozaki, art director of "War of the Worlds" died Nov. 16 at age 91.
Posted by: FrankWu | December 4, 2003 04:44 AM
Taken from Locus Online 5 December 2003
Pierre Pairault 26 Nov 2003 age 81. French SF writer who published under the name Stefan Wul.
Marguerite Bradbury 24 Nov 2003. Wife of Ray Bradbury.
Mark Siegel 12 Nov 2003. SF writer and critic.
Margaret Armen. Writer for Star Trek: The Original Series.
William Nelson Coleman, Jr. 29 Oct 2003. 1980 Clarion Student.
Posted by: Anthony Lewis | December 5, 2003 02:16 PM
Penny Singleton is listed as "Voice
of Jane Jetson and Blondie Bumstead".
She played (that is, appeared as)
Blondie in a series of live-action
films. She was the voice of Jane
Jetson in, of course, The Jetsons TV
Posted by: Craig Miller | December 13, 2003 01:43 PM
Ben Kokochak 1/19/1982 - 9/16/2003
Star Trek fan
Starfleet International
Starfleet Marines
SFI's highest award for Ship's Counselors has been renamed in his honor. [ September 2003 news page]
Posted by: Susan Fox-Davis | December 25, 2003 08:27 AM
Les Tremayne, radio, TV, and movie actor, died at age 90 on Dec. 19, 2003. His SF and fantasy credits include: "Francis Goes to West Point," "It Grows on Trees," "War of the Worlds," "Forbidden Planet" (uncredited as narrator), "Rodan" (uncredited as narrator of US version), "Monolith Monsters," "The Angry Red Planet," "King Kong vs. Godzilla" (narrator, US version), and "The Slime People." He was also a voice actor in a lot of genre animation including "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol," "The Phantom Tollbooth," "The Cricket in Times Square," and "Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer."
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | December 25, 2003 12:19 PM
Actress Hope Lange died at age 70 on Dec. 22, 2003.Her genre credits were slim, but she did win two Emmy Awards for her work on the late '60s TV series of "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir." She was also in the second in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series.
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | December 25, 2003 12:25 PM
Your list has Marguerite Bradbury's death as occurring in the year 2993. Please correct this typo.
Posted by: Michael Tallan | December 28, 2003 10:21 PM
Joan Delano Aiken, writer, born September 4 1924; died January 4 2004.
She wrote _The Wolves of Willoughby Chase_ (1962) and several sequels, which take place in an alternate Earth in which the Stuarts still have the throne of England. (It's been a while since I read them, but I remember realizing somewhere in the beginning of the book that this was an alternate-history novel.) There's a very nice obituary at,3858,4830485-103684,00.html
Posted by: Adina Adler | January 7, 2004 01:57 PM
Lori Wolf, fan. Vice president of FACT (Fan Association of Central Texas) who ran the Hugo Ceremony for LonestarCon2. November 27, 1960-January 6, 2004.
Posted by: Deb Geisler | January 9, 2004 05:49 PM
Paula Raymond, Hollywood actress
who worked frequently in the '50s,
died Dec. 31 at age 79. Her big
genre credit is "The Beast from
20,000 Fathoms" (1953).
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | January 10, 2004 06:52 PM
Mining Ansible:
Marguerite McClure Bradbury_ (1922-2003), Ray Bradbury's wife since 27 September 1947, died in Los Angeles on 24 November. She was 81. Forrest J.Ackerman was among those at the 28
November funeral and memorial service.
Simon van Dongen_ (1959-2003), Dutch fan, con-goer and filker, died from a heart attack on 16 December. He was 44, with a years-long history
of diabetes and kidney problems.
Margaret Winch_, who with Peter McNamara coedited the Australian sf anthology _Alien Shores_ (1994) and its 2003 successor _Forever Shores_ (published on 12 November), died on 22 November. She had been diagnosed with advanced cancer just six weeks earlier.
Bill Strutton_ (1918-2003), Australian-born author and screenwriter responsible for the 1965 _Doctor Who_ serial `The Web Planet' and its
novelization _Dr Who and the Zarbi_, died on 23 November aged 85.
Posted by: Deb Geisler | January 11, 2004 01:49 PM
Don Lawrence, British Science Fiction illustrator and cartoonist. Died Dec. 29, 2003 at age 75. Drew Marvelman in the '50s, "The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire" in the '60s. Created "Storm," a 23 volume dutch novel.
Posted by: Marc Gordon | January 27, 2004 11:06 AM
Ed DeRuggiero, former Convention Chair of Shore Leave, past President of the Star Trek Association of Towson.
Posted by: Joseph Dorffner | January 27, 2004 03:41 PM
Joan Aiken (1924-2004), one of Britain's most distinguished authors of children's fantasy, and of many memorable short ghost, suspense, horror and fairy stories for all ages, died on 4 January. She was 79 and had written 92 novels. Her best known work is the young-adult 'Dido Twite' sequence beginning with The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (1962), set in an alternate 19th century with a Stuart dynasty on the English throne, and wandering worldwide.
Posted by: Elaine Brennan | January 27, 2004 03:42 PM
Allyson Mann, past Vice President of the Star Trek Association of Towson, member and Committee Head for the Shore Leave convention.
Posted by: Joseph Dorffner | January 27, 2004 03:43 PM
Jack Andrew Cady, writer: born March 20, 1932, died Port Townsend, Washington January 14, 2004. The Sons of Noah (1992), a collection of varied tales, won a World Fantasy Award. Inagehi (1994), an evocation of the Cherokee nation of North Carolina, won a Philip K. Dick Award. And the 1993 title story of The Night We Buried Road Dog (1998) won both a Bram Stoker Award and the Nebula.
Posted by: Elaine Brennan | January 27, 2004 03:55 PM
1/27/2004 Miriam Winder-Kelly just
sent an email that her husband
Patrick Kelly (long time Baltimore
ares fan)has died of an apparent
heart attack in his back yard. She
found him blue and cold getting
logs for the fireplace. Pass the
Posted by: Judy Bemis | January 27, 2004 07:32 PM
From January Ansible: Joan Aiken (1924-2004), one of Britain's most distinguished authors of children's fantasy, and of many memorable short ghost, suspense, horror and fairy stories for all ages, died on 4 January. She was 79 and had written 92 novels. Her best known work is the young-adult `Dido Twite' sequence beginning with The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (1962), set in an alternate 19th century with a Stuart dynasty on the English throne, and wandering worldwide. John Clute praised her work as having `an almost relentless fertility' (Encyclopedia of Fantasy). • Charles Berlitz (1913-2003), linguist and author of such science-fantasy bestsellers as The Bermuda Triangle(1974) and The Philadelphia Experiment (1979 with William I.Moore; 1984 movie), died on 16 December aged 90. [PB] • Marguerite McClure Bradbury (1922-2003), Ray Bradbury's wife since 27 September 1947, died in Los Angeles on 24 November. She was 81. Forrest J.Ackerman was among those at the 28 November funeral and memorial service. • David Hemmings (1941-2003), actor and director, died on 4 December after a heart attack while filming in Romania; he was 62. A child soprano, Hemmings played Miles in Benjamin Britten's adaptation of The Turn of the Screw before moving into film in 1954. Genre appearances included Barbarella (1968), Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(tvm 1981), Equilibrium (2002) and most recently The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003). [SG] • Anita Mui Yim-Fong (1963-2003), Hong Kong actress and singer who appeared in several fantasy, superhero and supernatural films -- notably the 1987 Rouge and the `Heroic Trio' sequence -- died from cervical cancer on 30 December, aged 40. [KM] • Gordon Reid (1939-2003), Scottish actor known to sf fans as the megalomaniac computer Angel Two in Radio 4's Earthsearch, died on 26 November aged 64. [AB] He also appeared in Dr Who. • Alexis Kanner (1942-2003), French-born Canadian actor best remembered for his two parts in The Prisoner (1967-8), died on 13 December; he was 61. Kanner also appeared in a 1970 episode of the Andersons' TV series UFO. He was a guest at the 2003 Prisonerconvention in Portmeirion. • Bob Monkhouse (1928-2003), British comedian who died from cancer on 29 December aged 75, was a lifelong sf/fantasy fan who spent extravagantly at UK specialist shops like Andromeda, Forbidden Planet and the late Dark They Were And Golden Eyed. Authors signing for Andromeda, even me, would be asked to inscribe his copy specially. But Monkhouse's claimed genre career seems to be largely his own invention; experts are sceptical about the comics art, Sexton Blake novellas and Hank Jansen novels listed inhis Guardian obituary and elsewhere. • Albert Nozaki (1912-2003), US film art director who worked on The War of the Worlds (1953), When Worlds Collide (1951) and others, died on 16 November; he was 81. [SFS] • Bill Strutton (1918-2003), Australian-born author and screenwriter responsible for the 1965 Doctor Who serial `The Web Planet' and its novelization Dr Who and the Zarbi, died on 23 November aged 85. [JE] • Les Tremayne (1913-2003), US actor who voiced cartoon characters in The Phantom Tollbooth, Smurfs, and others, died on 19 December. [SFS] • Simon van Dongen (1959-2003), Dutch fan, con-goer and filker, died from a heart attack on 16 December. He was 44, with a years-long history of diabetes and kidney problems. • Margaret Winch, who with Peter McNamara coedited the Australian sf anthology Alien Shores (1994) and its 2003 successor Forever Shores (published on 12 November), died on 22 November. She had been diagnosed with advanced cancer just six weeks earlier.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | January 30, 2004 09:11 PM
Julius Schwartz, editor who revived the superhero genre in comic books in the mid-1950's. Died Feb. 8.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | February 13, 2004 08:23 AM
It's just not going to be a convention without asking "Hal Clement" for pictures of his grandson....
Posted by: Susan Cohen | February 29, 2004 12:14 AM
Dee Willis (December 1, 1960 – March 8, 2004)
A Kansas City fan, Dee has worked on and Co-Chaired ConQuesT, our local convention.
She was the Chairman of the World Horror Convention in 2003, making it work even though she had a major coronary a couple of months before the convention.
Dee received a heart transplant on February 3, 2004. She considered that her second birthday. It was very successful. On February 16, 2004, she developed viral encephalitis and fell into a coma from which she never awoke. At 1:45pm on Monday, March 8, 2004 Dee's heart stopped beating.
We will miss her.
Posted by: Margene Bahm | March 8, 2004 09:32 PM
Samuel E. Konkin III, aka SEK3 fan and anarcho-libertarian b. 1947 d. Feb 23, 2004.
Founder of NYU SF Society, he had several fan publishing credits, including an alternative daily newszine he published at every Worldcon he attended.
Also Donald Barr, Ph.D. 1921-2004 SF author "Space Relations" (a book I thoroughly enjoyed)
Julius Schwartz 1915-2004 DC Comics writer, comics editor, literary agent for Bester, Bloch, and Bradbury, fanzine editor and member of First Fandom.
Posted by: Judy Bemis | March 10, 2004 05:25 PM
Long time book dealer, bibliographer, and all around fan, Bradford M. Day, Jr. passed away Feburary 25, 2004 on natural causes at a Hopsice home in Pella, Iowa. He is known for his "A Checklist of Fantastic Magazines"(1951), "An Index on the Wierd and Fantastica in Magazines(1953),A Talbot Mundy Bibliography(1956), An Edgar Rice Burroughs Bibliography(1956), A Sax Rohmer Bibliography(1956), "The Complete Checklist of Science-Fiction Magazines)1961), The Supplement Checklist of Fantastic Literature(1963), "The Checklist of Fantastic Literature in Paperbound Books(1965), Bibliography of Adventure:Mundy, Burroughs, Rohmer, Haggard(1964).
He also published the first regular hardback edition of E.R. Burroughs "Beyond Thirty & The Man Eater"(1957). He edited anthologies such as"Past & Future and the Last Generation"(1954) andand several others. Also wrote several short stories such as "A Tale of the Future"(1954), etc.
He wrote 5 full length novels, "Mac",
"Monster Green", "A Rare Company", "The Mineral Kings", and "An End". These last are still looking for a publisher.
Posted by: Bradford M. Day 111 | March 11, 2004 09:04 PM
Ellen Colwell
b:11/1950 d: 8/2003
Posted by: Carol Colwell | March 20, 2004 03:27 AM
Shirley Maiewski
early Star Trek fan and active at Not Just AnotherCon
Posted by: Anthony Lewis | April 16, 2004 07:24 PM
From Interaction:
It is with great sadness Interaction announces that our Norwegian agent,
Johannes Henrik Berg, passed away on the morning of Thursday 29th of April
2004. He was diagnosed with cancer in November 2003.
Born in 1956, Johannes first made contact with Norwegian fandom in the early
seventies, soon becoming one of most active and leading fans in the country.
Active as a conrunner and fanzine editor and contributor in not only
literary SF fandom, but also in media fandom, comics fandom, Tolkien fandom
and gaming fandom. Johannes' interests were wide, his energy and drive were
impressive - he was the core of Norwegian fandom and will be greatly missed.
Regulars at Eastercons and Worldcons will have become familiar with
Norwegian roomparties. Johannes was always the host and main organiser,
always friendly, always energetic, and always selling convention memberships
and spreading fliers.
Posted by: Leslie Turek | May 2, 2004 07:46 AM
Patti Lonehawk (wife of Brendan Lonehawk of the Chicon(s), Windycon and Duckon Committees) died January 24th of complications from Azlheimers.
Patti had been attending conventions (mostly in the Midwest) for 25 years. For the past few years she and her husband Brendan have been selling books at conventions as BLACK ROSE ENTERPRISES.
At various times, Patti had been a taxi driver, a member of Encore Theatre in Chicago, a newsletter editor for a Chicago science fiction group, and at first a jewelry dealer and later a bookseller.
She is survived by her husband, and a large number of cats who are wondering where "mommy" is. "Pattihawk" will be greatly missed.
Posted by: Mike Jencevice | May 2, 2004 10:45 PM
Cartoonist and children's book author Syd Hoff died Wednesday, May 12, at 91. Some of his stories were marginal "fantastic" fiction, particularly his most famous books, the series "Danny and the Dinosaur" about the friendship between a modern boy and friendly dinosaur in a museum who comes to life.
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | May 16, 2004 12:39 AM
Richard Biggs, who played Dr. Franklin on "Babylon 5," died May 22 at age 43. This was posted by JMS at one of the B5 newsgroups:
From: Jms at B5 (
Subject: Today We Lost Richard Biggs
View: Complete Thread (34 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2004-05-22 16:43:06 PST
I was awakened today with several phone calls from cast members and Doug to
pass along the terrible news that this morning, Richard Biggs passed away.
We're still gathering information, so take none of this as firm word, but what
seems to have happened, happened quickly. He woke up, got up out of bed...and
went down. The paramedics who showed up suggested it was either an aneurysm or
a massive stroke.
His family members have been informed, and all of the the cast have, as far as
we can determine, also been informed.
This is a terrible loss for all of us. Richard was a consummate professional
but more than that he was an honorable, stand-up guy. If he gave you his word
on something, you never had to wonder about it afterward. He was always
helpful and supportive of all the cast, even those who only came in for one
episode, always with a ready smile and determined to do whatever it took to
make the scene work. He was, quite simply, a terrific guy, and everyone here
is just devastated at the news.
More word as this develops. We may try to have some kind of fund raiser to
help give whatever assistance may be helpful for his kids.
We all miss him terribly.
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | May 24, 2004 06:55 AM
Anthony Ainley, RIP
If the shop at the train stations hadn't run out of Guardians, I'd never
have seen this obituary in today's Independent:
Anthony Ainley, actor: born London 20 August 1932; died Harrow,
Middlesex 3 May 2004.
To generations of Doctor Who fans, Anthony Ainley will be remembered as
the Master, the extra-terrestrial who "killed" their television hero.
This ushered in the Time Lord's fifth incarnation, played by Peter
Davison, after the eccentric Tom Baker's flamboyant years, which were
regarded by some viewers as the sci-fi serial's high point.
For this, many did not forgive Ainley. He was also unfortunate to follow
in the footsteps of the highly regarded Roger Delgado, who originally
played the Master in the early 1970s but died in a car accident.
Sad news indeed. But over at Gallifrey One there's been some speculation
that, once again, the Master may have cheated death:
While we haven't learned if this is indeed true, OG would like to
address speculation that this may be a hoax. The Independent is
considered a reliable news organization in the UK, and indeed the
article is genuine. In addition, questions of the obit's detail may not
be warranted as the obit identifies a date of nearly a week ago - May 3,
2004 - giving enough time to write a proper tribute. Outpost Gallifrey
has contacted the Doctor Who Appreciation Society and other reliable
sources who will be investigating this further; like our readers, we
hope it's not true and that Mr. Ainley is in good health. More soon!
Posted by Scott at May 10, 2004 11:41 AM | Blogroll Me!
Elsewhere on the web
The passing of Anthony Ainley is true. I attended his funeral today.
Anthony was a member of my cricket team he will be sorely missed.
Posted by: Andy Steinberg | May 25, 2004 01:55 PM
Richard Biggs, who played Dr. Stephen Franklin on "Babylon 5" and also
had a long run on the soap opera "Days of Our Lives," died Saturday. He
was 44, according to the actor's Web site.
A posting on a "Babylon 5" message board by J. Michael Straczynski, the
sci-fi show's creator, said the cause of death has not been determined
but that "paramedics who showed up suggested it was either an aneurysm
or a massive stroke."
Biggs, a graduate of the University of Southern California School of
Theatre, gained his first major exposure as Dr. Marcus Hunter on "Days
of Our Lives." He was on the NBC show for five years.
He also appeared on Lifetime's "Any Day Now" and "Strong Medicine." Most
recently, he played Clayton Boudreaux on the CBS soap opera "Guiding
"Babylon 5" fans and staff were shocked by his passing.
"Richard was a consummate professional, but more than that he was an
honorable, stand-up guy," Straczynski wrote in his posting. "He was,
quite simply, a terrific guy, and everyone here is just devastated at
the news."
Biggs is survived by his wife, Lori Gerber, and two sons.
Posted by: Andy Steinberg | May 25, 2004 01:56 PM
Kate Worley, former Minneapolis fan, musician, writer for "Omaha the Cat Dancer" comic died of cancer on Sunday, june 6, 2004. Survived by her husband, Jim Vance, son Jacob, and daughter Sarah, of Tulsa, OK.
Posted by: Geri Sullivan | June 7, 2004 06:08 PM
David Heath, longtime fan, artist and former N3F president and fanzine editor died June 9, 2004 at home, from metastasized brain cancer. Reported by Jan Stinson on the fmzfen mailing lis, who also wrote:
"I knew David through letters and emails only, but his energy and enthusiasm for science fiction was always obvious. I will miss his distinctive artwork very much; I used a lot of it when I was editing the N3F clubzine."
Rich Lynch also reported his appreciation of David's artwork, which was used in the middle years of Mimosa.
Posted by: Geri Sullivan | June 11, 2004 02:51 AM
9Hello/Hullo I'm Kyrie Bates of Putnam,Ct. my Father Albert David Bates(Dave)to his frends Passedaway peacefully After a long bout of Cancer of the throught.It was very peaceful he died at 9:02p.m.Feb.27,2004 He was Born on Aug.12,1935 the last of the Edwarden Age he always joked.HeDid a lot of writing in fanzines A.P.P.A AND LATER P.E.E.P.S.He was a big fan of Dr.Who and we wrote many articals and cartoons for DWIN.Also his long time dear friend Baisel Wells died age:91 obit can be seen in June2004issue of LOCAS. I miss my dad He was a Great Writer if you needed to know some info on a Magizene the Shadow what have you he Knew. I shall be attending the Convention He would have loved that.He went a couple of times the most recint 1989Boston He had a blast.Thanks Letters can be sent to my mom Sue Bates 355 Kennedy Dr. Putnam,CT. 06260 Or Phone:(860)963-0711 e-mail again Thank you very much see you.Bye.6/24/04.
Posted by: Kyrie Bates | June 24, 2004 12:36 AM
Hugh Cave, pulp writer,
born July 11, 1910,
died June 27, 2004.
Posted by: Laurie Mann | July 1, 2004 07:03 PM
I'm shocked, shocked that we've missed:
Tony Randall,
born February 26, 1920
died May 17, 2004
7 Faces of Dr. Lao
Posted by: Laurie Mann | July 1, 2004 07:06 PM
Hugh B. Cave, 93, wrote over 800 pulp stories, plus nonfiction about WWII and voodoo.
John Cullen Murphy, 85, illustrator of "Prince Valiant" for three decades.
Posted by: Glenn Glazer | July 5, 2004 04:15 PM
LA fan Allan Rothstein - comics fan, nice guy and presided over numerous fannish weddings. He was 62.,_Allan.htm
Posted by: Glenn Glazer | July 5, 2004 04:19 PM
Legendary Oscar winning film composer
Jerry Goldsmith died July 21 at age
75 of cancer.
Among his SF movie credits are "Star
Trek:Nemesis," "Star Trek:
Insurrection," "Alien Nation," "The
Secret of NIMH," "The Boys from
Brazil," "Damnation Alley," "Escape
from the Planet of the Apes," "Planet
of the Apes," "Looney Tunes: Back in
Action," "Small Soldiers," "Alien
Resurrection," "Deep Rising," "Star
Trek: First Contact," "Total Recall,"
"Star Trek V," "Innerspace," "Aliens,"
"Supergirl," "Gremlins," "Outland,"
"The Swarm," "Logan's Run," "Conquest
of the Planet of the Apes," "In Like
Flint," "Hollow Man," "Runaway,"
"Alien," "Capricorn One," "Coma,"
"Seconds," "Timeline," "Explorers,"
"Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend,"
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture,"
"Congo," "Gremlins 2," "Forever Young," "Leviathan," "Twilight Zone:
The Movie," "Voyage to the Bottom of
the Sea," "Alligator," and "The
Illustrated Man."
He also made notable contributions to
TV series including "Star Trek:
Voyager," "Star Trek: The Next
Generation," "Twilight Zone," and
"Man from U.N.C.L.E."
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | July 22, 2004 10:14 PM
Legendary Oscar winning film composer
Jerry Goldsmith died July 21 at age
75 of cancer.
Among his SF movie credits are "Star
Trek:Nemesis," "Star Trek:
Insurrection," "Alien Nation," "The
Secret of NIMH," "The Boys from
Brazil," "Damnation Alley," "Escape
from the Planet of the Apes," "Planet
of the Apes," "Looney Tunes: Back in
Action," "Small Soldiers," "Alien
Resurrection," "Deep Rising," "Star
Trek: First Contact," "Total Recall,"
"Star Trek V," "Innerspace," "Aliens,"
"Supergirl," "Gremlins," "Outland,"
"The Swarm," "Logan's Run," "Conquest
of the Planet of the Apes," "In Like
Flint," "Hollow Man," "Runaway,"
"Alien," "Capricorn One," "Coma,"
"Seconds," "Timeline," "Explorers,"
"Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend,"
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture,"
"Congo," "Gremlins 2," "Forever Young," "Leviathan," "Twilight Zone:
The Movie," "Voyage to the Bottom of
the Sea," "Alligator," and "The
Illustrated Man."
He also made notable contributions to
TV series including "Star Trek:
Voyager," "Star Trek: The Next
Generation," "Twilight Zone," and
"Man from U.N.C.L.E."
Posted by: Dan Kimmel | July 22, 2004 10:14 PM
Francis Crick, who, along with James Watson determined the structure of DNA, died last Wednesday (July 28 2004) at the age of 88.
Posted by: Patrick O'Connor | August 3, 2004 11:00 PM
Cecily Adams. Born 2-6-58 Queens,N.Y.Died 3-3-04.Los Angeles.Appeared in several episodes of Star Trek DS9 as Ishka aka "Moogie",the Ferengi mother of Quark+Rom.Other SF work includes guest star on Total Recall 2070 and casting on 3rd Rock From The Sun. Cause of death:lung cancer. She was the daughter of Get Smart's Don Adams and wife of actor-director Jim Beaver.She also leaves a young daughter.
Posted by: Valerie Alberti | August 5, 2004 06:49 PM
Robyn M. Herrington, who died this year, aged 43. Short story writer, bon vivant, dearly missed long-time friend, keen supporter of Canadian science fiction, inspiration to many, wife to Bruce, sister to Sandy and Mike. She left us way too soon.
Posted by: Adrian Bedford | August 7, 2004 06:27 AM
Too late for the Souvenir Book but perhaps for the newsletter:
Stu Brownstein--New York, Boston, and Bay Area fan. Director of Operations and Security at Noreascon 1.
Fay Wray--at 96; King Kong's heartthrob.
Posted by: Anthony Lewis | August 10, 2004 04:41 PM
Fay Wray, who won everlasting fame as the damsel held atop the Empire State Building by the giant ape in the 1933 film classic "King Kong," has died, a close friend said Monday. She was 96.
Posted by: thehey | August 12, 2004 12:47 AM
Alan Ravitch (?-2003) - Star Trek Fan, Regional StarFleet coordinator, true friend.
Posted by: thehey | August 12, 2004 12:54 AM
These deaths have showed up recently in several mailing lists I read:
Pete Graham (original comment from Robert Lichtman, further notes from Ted White - Pete is the author of 'The golden age of Science Fiction is 12.' (message dated August 12, 2004)
> I'm sorry to report that Pete Graham passed away this morning
> at home in Syracuse, New York, after a long bout with
> lymphoma. Many of you will remember Pete from his primary
> period of activity in the '50s. Later he was co-editor with
> Terry Carr of the early issues of LIGHTHOUSE, and still later
> one of the many co-editors of VOID.
He was what? 67? Too young.
Correction on LIGHTHOUSE (and where better to do it than Fmzfen?): The first issue, published in the middle of 1958, was a oneshot, published by
Terry and Pete and probably others, like Ron Ellik. In 1960, after Pete had moved to NYC and become a coeditor of VOID (its third, after Greg and me), he decided to revive LIGHTHOUSE as his FAPAzine. At least #2 and probably #3 were solely edited/pubbed by Pete. (I had a piece in #2 which did not endear me to the SF establishment of the time.) When Terry moved
to NYC in the summer of 1961, more than a year after LTHS 2, Pete offered him the coeditorship, which Terry quickly accepted. I was there at the
time; it happened in Towner Hall. So Terry probably became coeditor with #4, but it might have been #5 -- I can't recall how frequently Pete had done them. (Understand that I ran *all* issues of LIGHTHOUSE except #1
off on my mighty QWERTYUIOPress; I was also a frequent contributor.)
Within an issue, Terry had become the dominant editor; within a couple more issues Pete had become the Regular Columnist in Terry's Fanzine. (I think they both did FAPA mailing comments in the zine.) Eventually Pete wasn't
in every issue any more.
So your chronology is also off; leaving the oneshot LTHS out of the equation, Pete was first a coeditor of VOID, subsequently the editor of
LIGHTHOUSE, "and still later" the coeditor of that fanzine.
Otto Pfiefer (original note from Wally Weber, comment from Robert Lichtman)
Wally Weber writes:
> I am passing the word around to SAPS members that Otto
> Pfeifer died about 9:30 p.m. on Friday July 23 in Avanere
> hospice in Shoreline. A memorial is being held for him at
> Evergreen-Washelli at 11111 Aurora Avenue N, Seattle,
> Washington on Tuesday July 27 at 2 p.m.
I only met Otto a few times over the years, but he was part of my fannish universe (especially in SAPS) for four decades. He had been living with Alzheimer's for the past few years, his SAPSzines being ghost-written mostly by Wally. In his
prime he was one of the better fan humorists, although for the most part he confined his fanac to SAPS. I'll miss him.
David MacDonald (original note from Martin Jukovsky, comment by Ted White)
> I've just learned that David MacDonald, New York fan in the fifties
> and publisher of MetroFan, died on April 3 in Seattle. David had
> been living in Seattle for the past 35 years or so, where he founded
> and headed United Fathers Inc., a fathers' rights advocacy group. As
> I find out other details, I'll post them here.
Thanks for passing this news on. I knew Dave in the '50s.
Don Senzig (obit from the Milwaukee news paper follows, I will miss him a lot.)
Senzig, Donald John Jr.
Publication Date: July 29, 2004
Milwaukee, age 53. Passed away at his home in Milwaukee on Tuesday, July 27, 2004. Born April 13, 1951 in Milwaukee, WI. Son of Donald and Adoree (Larson) Senzig of Caledonia, WI. Son-in-law of Ralph and Catherine Dean. He married Dorothy K. Dean on May 6, 1978 in Milwaukee, WI. He leaves to mourn the wife he loved so much; mother, Adoree Senzig; sister, Vickie (Robert) Elliott, Caledonia; brother, Robert (Barbara),
Germantown; sister, Rita (Eddie) Higbee, Puyallup, WA; sister, Susan (Charles) Malone, Oak Creek; brother, Walter (Christine), South
Milwaukee; sister, Maggie, Racine; brother, Jon (Wendy), Racine; sister-in-law, Elizabeth (Jeff) Fredrickson, Grand Rapids, MI; brother-in-law, John (Jane) Dean, Grand Rapids, MI; sister-in-law, Mary Dean (Will Hughstead), Lexington, MA; sister-in-law, Patricia (Steve) Zimmer, Belmont, MI; brother-in-law, Mike (Cindy) Dean, Holland, MI; brother-in-law, Dennis (Rosina) Dean, Joilette, IL; grandmother, Opal Larson, Mauston; 18 nieces, 5 great-nieces, 16 nephews, 1 great-nephew and many uncles, cousins and friends. Preceded in death by his father, Donald John Senzig, Sr. and nephew, Jonathan Mutchie.
Donald found the job he loved at Medpacs, Waukesha. He had worked in the Milwaukee Road Enginehouse, Plastic Parts of Union Grove, Siemens
Nuclear, Sector Engineering, Compuware, private consulting and Milwaukee Area Television Access (MATA).
In these diverse jobs, Don consistently demonstrated his natural ability and immense capacity to troubleshoot and repair anything that moved, whirred or lit up. At a young age, Don learned to repair TV's and electronics working with his father, Donald Senzig, Sr. He repaired TV's as a hobby but in 1968, while a student at Case High School, he programmed a timeshare computer, he was hooked. In 1975, Don built his
first computer from an Altair 8800 kit. How much fun it was to play "kill the bit". At the start of the personal computer revolution, Don
arranged the first computer/gaming exhibition at a local Science Fiction Convention. A genius at electronics and computers, Don was always ready
to help people learn and to learn from them. One of his favorite collaborators was Dorothy. Don helped authors and Democratic candidates
learn how to use computers. With incredible patience, Don could help them achieve goals that they did not believe possible.
In 1975, Don helped found the Wisconsin Computing Society that still meets helping members explore computer technology.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to The Milwaukee Public Theater, 626 E. Kilbourn, Suite 802, Milwaukee, WI 53202.
I expect these are too late for this year, Please pass them along.
Posted by: joyce scrivner | August 13, 2004 07:18 AM
Peter T Garratt
Peter was big and shaggy and a good friend to many British SF writers, fans and congoers
His excellent short stories appeared in Asimov's, Dream, Fear!, Interzone & Scheherazade.
Others will remember seeing him on alternate history and Arthuriana panels or meeting him in UK con dealers’ rooms, where he was selfless with his time trying to improve Interzone’s finances.
Peter was instrumental in organising short fiction readings at UK conventions to publicise the SF magazines. He died aged 54 in March 2004.
Posted by: Roy Gray | August 28, 2004 03:41 PM
This past April, The science fiction community lost a long-time fan.
James Wait
Born- 1940
Died-April 8, 2004
Posted by: Alex Militello | September 8, 2004 05:15 PM
11/1950 - 8/2003
I MISS YOU!!!!!!
Posted by: Tarby | April 7, 2005 01:59 PM