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The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

Committee News Introduction

  • If you have items of interest or amusement to add to this weblog, please contact Leslie Turek.

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August 14, 2004

During the work session today, we kept getting reports of the various committee members living in the path of Charley. Melanie Herz reports that she had to evacuate, but she's fine and she reports that she took the N4 volunteers database with her, so that's fine, too. Steve and Sue Francis report that Pat and Roger Sims and Dick Spelman are fine, with only some minor damage to their houses. Steve and Sue report that a neighbor's grapefruit fell over and knocked down Roger's fence... I suspect that was a grapefruit tree that she's talking about, or else that's some mighty big grapefruit.