The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

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July 02, 2003

Bostonians "Dig" the Central Artery

The Central Artery/Tunnel Project (lovingly referred to as the "Big Dig" by locals and tourists) has resumed "The Big Dig Tours." These are extensive walk-throughs of parts of the project, complete with information, commentary, and a chance to wear a hard hat.

If you're 18 years of age or older and happen to be interested in really big engineering projects, this is the summer sensation for you.

To sign up for a tour, please call 617-951-6400 or send an email to

You can also find the Big Dig online at (and see how far we've come).

Part of the Big Dig project that Noreascon Four members will find particularly beautiful is the new Leonard B. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge. The Zakim Bridge is now open to north-bound traffic, and we're told it will go both ways by the end of the year. This is the first "hybrid" cable-stayed bridge in the United States.