
25th World Fantasy Convention Program

We plan to bring you a World Fantasy Convention program of extraordinary power. Look for enlightening panel discussions, readings, and other unique opportunities to examine the enormous domain we call fantasy: items interactive and informative, reflective and refined, meritorious and engaging, tightly-focused yet covering a broad variety of diverse interests and areas....

We already have many exciting ideas, and are soliciting more from people all over the country. If you have suggestions for program topics and/or ideas for who might discuss what, please write to us at our address below or send email to info@noreascon.org. We regret that, because of the relatively small number of program items and the large number of professionals expected to be attending, we cannot guarantee everyone the opportunity to participate.

The preliminary 25th World Fantasy Convention Program Is now available. Please remember that this is still subject to change and we ask you to check your pocket program for the latest schedule.

We're planning two tracks of program, plus readings, all of the usual, and a few surprises. As usual in this stage of program development, the ideas/titles are still cast in Silly Putty, but we think we have a good balance among various areas of fantasy. Some panels we're pretty sure of (there will be more) include:

Success and Failure in the Portrayal of Evil
True Grit--Quests are Hard, and War Is Hell!
When Is Humor NOT Funny?
How Does the Magic Work?
Nightmares and Dreams
The Character of Death
Crossing the Genres: SF, Fantasy, and Horror
Grow Old Along With Me: Aging Your Characters
Coyote, and Others
The Middle Class in Fantasy
Beyond the Black Gate (Heroic Voyages to Hell and Back: From Orpheus to Frodo)
Fantasy, Horror, Current Events, and Moral Responsibility
The Changing of the Dark: How Has Horror Evolved?
From the Elder Gods to...(Fantasy/Horror Without Joseph Campbell?)
Knowing Too Much: How Can a Sophisticated Reader/Writer Enjoy Fantasy?
The Heroine's Journey
Lovecraft and the Age of Exploration
The Image of "Home" in Fantasy
Why Adults Love YA Fantasy
Using Real Places as Fantasy Settings
Fantasy Landscapes of New England
Things You Should Have Read (Fiction and Non-Fiction)
The State of Fantasy Today: Best of the Year

What else?

Well, we'll have readings, slide shows, focus sessions on important figures in the field, and interactive workshops on poetry, storytelling, creativity, and business issues.

In the evenings (after the main events, of course!), we're planning to have some thematically grouped program items to help flesh out special interests. Thursday we'll be "Time Travellin' "--looking backward and forward in the field of fantasy (which could include such topics as "The Evolution of WFC" and "Does Fantasy Prepare People for Change?").

On Friday, we'll concentrate on certain aspects of the darker side of the field with "Stories of the Night" (which could include "Vampires: How They Have Mutated?," "A Guide to the [New] Gothic Genre," "Speculative Erotica," and perhaps a Lovecraft grave tour).

"Pipers at the Gates of Night" on Saturday--how are music, creation, and fantasy intertwined? If we have performers, we'll set up a cabaret across the corridor from the hospitality room.

Be prepared to have a great time with us.

World Fantasy Convention Hours

We are planning to publish the program on this website about three weeks before the World Fantasy Convention. Watch this space for more information.

Here are preliminary planned hours for various functions.
or later
or later
or later
Art Show 10am-6pm10am-6pmSales 10am-1pm
Dealers 10am-6pm10am-6pm10am-1pm
Autograph Reception 8pm-10:30pm  
Theatricals  8:30pm-10pm 
Banquet/Awards   1:30pm-3:30pm

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