From the North * From the West * From the Southwest * From the Southeast
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Take I-93 South to Exit 26 (Storrow Drive/North Station), which is a very long, swooping, single-lane freeway of an "exit ramp." Fork left off that onto Storrow Drive.
Pass the Government Center exit, and take the Copley Square/Back Bay exit, which creates a "T" intersection when it meets Beacon Street. Turn left onto Beacon, then immediately right onto Arlington Street. Pass the Public Gardens on your left and cross Boylston Street at its end. After Providence Street., turn right onto St. James Avenue. At Dartmouth Street, St. James jogs a bit left and becomes Huntington Avenue. Continue "straight" past Exeter Street and Ring Road.
To get to the Sheraton: Turn right onto Belvedere Street and turn right into the Sheraton entryway.
To get to the Marriott: From the left turn lane, reverse direction on Huntington at Ring Road. You get a second chance to reverse directions at Belvedere Street (on your right) and West Newton Street (on your left). After Harcourt Street, turn right into the Marriott entryway.
Driving from the West
Take I-90, the Massachusetts Turnpike (otherwise known as the Mass. Pike). If you are coming north on I-95, take I-91 to I-84 in Connecticut to get to the Mass Pike.
I-90 is a toll road with an automatic toll-taking service called "Fast Lane." The system also accepts "E-Z Pass" transponders. If you're not a subscriber to Fast Lane or E-Z Pass, keep some small change handy! After the Allston-Brighton tolls, continue east on the Pike and take Exit 22.
To get to the Sheraton: Take the left fork in the exit tunnel. You emerge on Huntington Avenue. Turn right onto Belvedere Street and turn right into the Sheraton entryway.
To get to the Marriott: Take the right fork in the exit tunnel. You emerge on Stuart Street. Turn left onto Dartmouth Street and immediately left again onto Huntington Avenue. From the left turn lane, reverse direction on Huntington, then turn right into the Marriott entryway after Garrison Street.
Driving from the Southwest (Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut)
Take I-95 North until it intersects the Mass. Pike (on Route 128, at Exit 25). Take the Pike east and follow the directions above to reach the Sheraton and the Marriott.
Driving from the Southeast (southeastern Massachusetts)
Take I-93 (Route 3, Route 1) North. Take Exit 18 onto the Massachusetts Avenue Connector. Turn right onto Mass. Ave. After crossing Albany, Washington, Tremont, and Columbus, turn right onto Huntington Avenue.
To get to the Sheraton: Take the first left onto BelvedereStreet and turn right into the Sheraton entryway.
To get to the Marriott: Turn right into the Marriott entryway just after Garrison Street.