Address inquiries to 617-776-3243 (fax) |
The 62nd World Science Fiction ConventionBoston, Massachusetts
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Noreascon Four officially ended on September 6, 2004, at about 3:30 pm, when we turned over the WSFS gavel to Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon in Glasgow, Scotland. We would like to thank our members, supporters, volunteers, and friends for making Noreascon Four a wonderful convention. We'll keep posting convention reviews and information to this web site (although not at the rapid pace of August!), and we hope you'll stop by again. For information about all of the upcoming Worldcons, the bids, and the World Science Fiction Society, please see the official WSFS web site. With warm regards, The Noreascon Four Committee |
Pro Guests of Honor: Terry Pratchett and William Tenn
Fan Guests of Honor: Jack Speer and Peter Weston
Noreascon Four was the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon or Fannish Family Reunion). We had a fabulous group of Guests of Honor and other program participants on hand for the festivities. Our five-day-long party was held September 26, 2004, at the Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, and the Marriott Copley Place Hotel, all located in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood.
News Updates
In Memoriam
- Terry Pratchett, Noreascon 4 Guest of Honor (19202010) Obituary
- William Tenn (Phil Klass), Noreascon 4 Guest of Honor (19482015) Obituary
- Jack Speer, Noreascon 4 Fan Guest of Honor (19202008) Obituary
- Andre Norton, Noreascon 3 Guest of Honor (19122005) Obituary
Videos of Noreascon Four
Videos of the major events at Noreascon, as well as Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and a time-lapse view of the entire convention are now available.
Membership Reimbursements
As of March 2, 2005, all of our membership reimbursements should either have been delivered or are in the mail. Staff and committee reimbursements were the last to go in the mail at-con volunteers' and program participants' reimbursements went out several weeks ago.
If you lost something at Noreascon 4, please contact us at lost@noreascon.org.
If you found something at Noreascon 4, please also contact us at lost@noreascon.org. We have a bunch of people still looking for things that got away.
Did you attempt Noreascon's Open Book Trivia Contest (devised by Steven H Silver)? We've left the original questions available on the web, but if you prefer to see the questions and their answers (along with the list of winners), you can do that too.
Some of the Details
- All Four Noreascons?! We had a sign-in book for those hardy souls who've made it to all the Noreascons as you might expect, some of them had comments, too.
- The FIRST Night TIMES (our one-shot fanzine from First Night Noreascon) is available for download
- The 2004 Hugo from designer Scott Lefton's website.
- Hugo and Retro Hugo Winners
- Hugo Voting Details
- Retro Hugo Voting Details
- Noreascon Four Art Retrospective
- Results of the Site Selection Voting for the 2007 Worldcon Congratuations Nippon 2007!
- The Triplanetary Gazette, Noreascon Four's newsletter, has all its issues online.
If You're Interested in the Commentary
- Our Live from Noreascon 4 weblog has lots of reports most of them with very much of a "you-are-here" flavor to them!
- We've also been attempting to keep track of the many many reports about Noreascon Four but it's hard to keep up. Please let us know whose we're missing the ones we've spotted or been told about include:
- Amy Sue
- Beth Gwinn
- Cheryl Morgan: Emerald City #109
- Christian Sauvé
- Christopher Davis
- Cormac Russell
- David Levine, Part 1 and Part 2
- Emerald City
- Ian Osmund
- James Bacon's TAFF Diary
- Jed Hartman
- Jim "Jimcat" Kasprzak
- Jo Walton [Friends, panels, business, and another cool thing she did in Boston]
- John Scalzi
- Justine Larbalestier
- Kathryn Cramer
- Live Journal reports: astolat, ckd, fairmer [People and the first panels, the Dealer's Room, and more panels], fluffcthulhu, marykaykare, Melymbrosia (aka Mely], oracne [panel reports: Torturing Characters, Social World Building, Fantasy of Manners, and Language and Style], rushthatspeaks, veejane [more panel reports and the discussion of hard sf vs. sociological/anthropological sf vs. fantasy therein]
- Michelle Sagara [Part One, Part Two, Lois McMaster Bujold anecdote, and discussions of booklength]
- Neil Gaiman
- Scott Edelman's Editorial at scifi.com;
- SFRevu
- Stephen Leigh
- Tobias Buckell
- Tom Veal
- Victor Gonzalez
- Wired News
Or Some Pictures
- Cosplay.com Masquerade Photos
- Rob Allison's Photos
- Andrew Bertke's Photos
- Baen Books' Worldcon Photo Album
- BoingBoing's Link to Lots of Photos (photos taken by lots of folks!)
- The Bovine Illuminati Photos
- Christopher Davis' Pictures
- Jack Krolak's Worldcon Photos
- Melanie Fletcher's Photo Album
- MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive
- Charles Mohapel's Pictures
- RISFC (Rhode Island Science Fiction Club) Goes to Worldcon
- SFRevu Photo Albums
Or Would Like to Know More About What Went On
- The schedule we'll be amending the schedule with as many of the program changes that happened at con as we can.
- You can also see the schedule for First Night Noreascon our Thursday evening introduction to the Worldcon.
- Or check out what went on in kids' programming and activities.
Or Who Was Here
- Check our lists of the program participants, artists and dealers who were at Noreascon Four.
- If you never ran into somebody you expected to see, you can find out if they were registered for Noreascon Four.
Things You Might Have Missed
Noreascon 4 was on the radio! We aired a number of spots on WBZ (1070) in Boston during the two weeks before the convention. If you missed it then, you can still listen to the file.
The Boston Globe also had a write-up about Noreascon.
Like books? NESFA Press produced books by each of our Guests of Honor for Noreascon Four.
Some people were confused about the differences between Noreascon Four and a major political convention. We offered some suggestions on ways to tell the difference between a Worldcon and a major political convention.
Prepare for your trip to Bostonwork on your fannish language skills or learn how to pronounce things Boston-style.
What Next?
Talk back to us! We've got web logs for general Noreascon news and meeting minutes.
If you're local to Boston (or even if you'll just be visiting), please feel free to come to our open meetings.
Noreascon Four was run by Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded to promote science fiction fandom and education.