include($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/css/footer.php"); ?>Award Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the Hugo Awards and Retro Hugo Awards!
Hugo and Retro Hugo Voting
Hugo and Retro Hugo voting closed at 12:00 am, August 1, 2004 EDT.
Please make sure to join us at our Friday night celebration of our Guests of Honor and the Retro Hugos, the Time Travel Machine, on Friday, September 3, 2004, at 8:00 pm and at our Hugo Ceremony on September 4, 2004 at 8:00 pm to find out who's won.
The Hugo and Retro Hugo Award Nominees list is still available with links to the short stories, novellas and novelettes that are available online.
What Are the Hugo Awards?
The Hugo Awards are awards for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy. A list of the current award categories is available here. Hugos are awarded each year by the World Science Fiction Society, at the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon).
The Retro Hugos are also awards for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasyfor a year in which a Worldcon was held but no Hugo awards were given. So Noreascon Four's Retro Hugos are being given for 1954, when no Hugo awards (then called "Special Achievement Awards") were given. Works eligible for the Retro Hugos were first published or released in 1953.
For more information about works that were eligible for Retro Hugos, download a copy of our Introduction to the Retro Hugo Awards for 1953. If you'd like a paper copy, send mail to Additional information, including lists of professional artists active in 1953 and most of the short stories published in 1953, is available at Fanac, the Fan History Project.
John W. Campbell Award
The John W. Campbell Award was first awarded at Torcon II in 1973 in the memory of John W. Campbell, Jr., the greatest and most influential editor the field has seen. Campbell was known for his discovery and nurturing of new writers and the publisher of Analog (Conde Nast at the time) decided to establish an award to be voted on by the members of the World Science Fiction convention for the best new writer of the previous two years. The award has been given out annually since 1973 and it continues to be presented by the publisher of Analog (presently Dell Magazines). Noreascon 4 has published the rules for the Campbell Award.
Hugo Voting
The Hugos and Retro Hugos are voted on by fans, who may be some of the most demanding experts around. You had a say in determining which works and individuals receive the coveted rockets, by nominating and voting. With some specific exceptions (defined in the WSFS Constitution), works eligible for the Hugos or Retro Hugos were first published or released in the year prior to their award (so, 2003 for Hugos, 1953 for Retro Hugos).
You were eligible to vote if you became a member of Noreascon 4 by July 31, 2004.
If you have more questions about the Hugos, check our Hugo FAQ for more information. If the Hugo FAQ doesn't answer your question, you can send mail to