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The newly-refurbished Sheraton Boston Hotel directly connects with the Hynes Convention Center. This spectacular facility offers comfortable, affordable luxury and elegance.
The hotel boasts 1,181 rooms, 85 suites, and Towers accommodations including butler service! If you thought you knew the hotel before, you should see it after its two-year, $73 million face lift.
Our room rates at the Sheraton are $139 single/double, $149 triple, $159 quad.
As of the middle of April, our room block at the Sheraton is effectively full. Rooms do become available as people's plans change, so please follow the directions below if you want to see if your preferred room type and dates have become available.
Rooms at the Sheraton
There are two blocks in the Sheraton the party block and the non-party block. The party block is for all those who wish to throw parties, want to be near parties or don't mind being near parties.
Please let us know at if you plan to have a party in your room at the Sheraton.
Join the Party Block
We encourage as many people as possible in the Sheraton to book into the party block. In recent years, Worldcons have had to limit the number of large parties we've been able to accommodate because of the relatively small number of people requesting rooms in the party block. This makes for a smaller number of party floors which makes for a smaller number of party suites available, thus fewer parties. So, if you can, book into the party block it'll help make for a better Worldcon.
The party block has a limited number of rooms of any type (king, queen, double double). If your room type is sold out, and you still want a party room, there may still be rooms of another type.
Internet Reservations
To reserve your room at the Sheraton, DO NOT go to the standard Sheraton Hotel web site.
Click on the following link to reserve a room in the non-party block: Sheraton Non-Party Block Room Reservations for Noreascon 4.
Use the following link to reserve a room in Noreascon's party block: Sheraton Party Block Room Reservation for Noreascon 4.
To continue the process of making your reservation, fill in:
- check in/out day,
- smoking and bed preferences, and
- number of rooms/guests.
The next screen allows you to select the room type that matches your preferences, if available. If your room type is sold out, you will be told that no rooms are available. You can go back and remove the room type request, and you will be given a list of all of the room types that are available, and you can choose from among them, if you still want a room.
From this point on,the website collects your information (name, address, credit card number, etc.), and you can complete the reservation normally.
Telephone Reservations
Contact your local Sheraton phone reservations office. In the US, it's 800-325-3535; check your local telephone directory if you are calling from a non-US location. If you call, the names of the blocks are Noreascon Party block (block code 14065) and Noreascon Non-Party block (block code 12362).
Reservations by Mail
If you do not have a credit card, the only way to reserve is by mail, since you need to include a $150 deposit (made out to the hotel, not to Noreascon) to guarantee your room. Fill in the hotel reservation form, and mail it to the Sheraton at:
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Attn: Reservations
39 Dalton St
Boston, MA 02199
USAYou should probably verify that the hotel still has rooms before mailing your form.
Save Your Confirmation Number!
Your confirmation number is vitally important in tracking information in a hotel's reservation system. If you make your reservation online, we recommend printing your confirmation page if possible.
You should also receive an email confirming your reservation within 24 hours of making it. If you don't receive an emailed confirmation, call the hotel's central reservation number (Sheraton: 800-325-3535 in the US. If you're outside of the US, call your local access number.) Ask them to check whether the reservation was actually recorded by the system.