include($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/css/footer.php"); ?>Bring Your Dancing Shoes!
Because we're going to give you plenty of opportunities to use them!
Regency Dance
Friday, September 3, 2004, 2:00pm5:00pm, Sheraton Grand BallroomJoin Dancemaster John Hertz for an afternoon of dancing to the music of the Regency Period in England (roughly 17901820 or so).
For an explanation of the history behind Regency Dances at science fiction conventions, we offer you The Regency Explained.
Come in costume or come as you are and don't hesitate if you've never done regency-style dancing: John will be happy to teach you!
Sockhop/Swing Dance
Friday, September 3, 10pm2am, Sheraton Grand BallroomThe Time Machine, our Celebration of our Guests of Honor and the presentation of the 1954 Retro Hugos is happening early in the evening on Friday, September 3. What better way to continue that celebration than with a celebration of the music of the 50s?
The Indian River Band will provide live music with a mixture of jazz, swing, and 50s pop music for your entertainment and dancing pleasure. Late in the evening, we'll switch to recorded 50s music, to keep the beat going
Ankh-Morpork Ball:
Dancing Through the Ages
Thursday, September 2, 2004, 7:00pm2:00am, Hynes 200The evening starts with participatory Renaissance dance: easy dances from the 16th and 17th centuries. Everything will be taught, so come on in!
That part of the dance will be run by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Justin du Coeur, Dancemaster.
We'll then segue into ballroom dancing of the ages, including waltz, polka, one-step, tango, swing and rock, from 8:0010:30pm.
And we'll wind up the evening with modern music. Bring your dance shoes!
Post-Hugos Ball
Saturday, September 4, ~10:30pm2:00am, Hynes 200Follow up on our celebration of the best of modern science fiction and fantasy with the music of the jambient project and some truly music-of-the-future experiences.
Children's Dance
Sue Schroeder will DJ a dance for kids in the Children's Activities area on Sunday, September 5.