Noreascon Innovations
Compiled by Anthony R. Lewis
Here are some of our innovations to Worldcons over the years...
Logo of cat and dragon designed by Don Simpson
Chairman: Tony Lewis is on the Boston in 2004 bidding committee
- Program:
- The first Worldcon multi-track program with a set of themes.
Significant science programming.
Academic programming with the Science Fiction Research Association.
SF discussion groups for fans to meet fans.
Two film tracks.
Georgette Heyer Regency Tea and Dance.
- Hugos:
- Certificates presented to all nominees.
Used business reply mail to obtain over 50% return of final ballots!!
- Costuming:
- Separate area for post-presentation photography at the Masquerade.
First at-con pre-registration for Masquerade entrants.
Costumed the judges and integrated them into the Masquerade.
- Banquet:
- Assigned seating to eliminate chaos and altercations.
Choice of entrees.
- Publications:
- First four-color program book cover.
First Worldcon to produce its own convention Proceedings--and this was distributed free to all members.
- Registration:
- Divided the lines into pre-registered and new registration.
Created problem-solving desk to handle special situations.
- Administration:
- Created high-level Operations (Services) staff.
First two-year lead time; set times and number of progress reports.
First North American administration of mail site-selection ballots.
Printed hotel contract in program book for all members to see.
- Hacks:
- Hugo nominations form translated into French and sent for Canadian and overseas distribution.
- N1OnnaStick.
Chairman: Leslie Turek is on the Boston in 2004 bidding committee
- Program:
- First program track specifically aimed at younger attendees.
Pro discussion groups for fans to meet pros (and vice versa).
Modern dance--"Higher Ground" by Jeanne Robinson based on Spider and Jeanne Robinson's Stardance.
- Hugos:
- Created the non-fiction category.
- Costuming:
- Exhibit of previous Masquerade costumes with an exhibition guide book by Ann Layman Chancellor.
- Publications:
- Distributed free Memory Book to members.
Published the Fantasy Tarot Deck for Fan Guest of Honor Bruce Pelz.
- Registration:
- First large-print, readable on-site computer-generated name badges.
- Administration:
- Created Division structure
Created major convenient babysitting and child care facilities.
- Hacks:
- Created the month of Claudius between August and September for financial accounting.
Named islands in the hucksters' room after SF locations.
How many tons of ice can you fit in a convention center bathroom???
- Program:
- First formal YA programming track.
Closing ceremonies with instant replay multi-projector slide show of the convention.
Created program-participant schedule to attach to the back of program participants' badges.
- Hugos:
- Distributed miniature rocket pins to all Hugo nominees.
- Costuming:
- Produced a professional-level multi-camera videotape of the Masquerade.
- Banquet:
- Re-created the family feeling of the Worldcon with a buffet brunch followed by cameo speeches by many members of the SF community.
Produced a videotape of the brunch speeches.
- Publications:
- The Noreascon Three Souvenir Book was nominated for the Hugo Award in 1990.
The Mad 3 Party was nominated and won the Hugo Award in 1990.
Maybe not innovations, but we're proud of these accomplishments.
- Registration:
- Unified registration, with representatives from special areas present to handle all needs--program, art show, hucksters, etc.
- Administration:
- First three-year lead time; set times and number of progress reports.
Created the Pass Along Funds to transfer Worldcon profits forward to future Worldcons when they need the cash the most.
- Hacks:
- Created the ConCourse to humanize the large, open convention center with parks, exhibits, performances, displays, and places to sit and talk comfortably.

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