Noreascon One Information

- Dates: September 3-6, 1971
- Chairman: Anthony R. Lewis
- Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel
- Guest of Honor: Clifford D. Simak
- Fan Guest of Honor: Harry Warner, Jr.
- Toastmaster: Robert Silverberg
- Hugo Presenter: Isaac Asimov
- TAFF Delegate: Mario Boris Ivanovich Bosnyak
- BoSh (Bob Shaw) Fund Winner: Bob Shaw
- Attendance: 1600
- PR Cover artist:
0: Mike Symes
1: Mike Symes
2: Alicia Austin
3: Steve Fabian
4: Jeff Jones
- Program Book artist: Mike Gilbert
- Logo of cat and dragon designed by Don Simpson
- The
1971 Hugo Winners
- Innovations that first appeared at
You can order copies of the Noreascon Program Book or Proceedings from NESFA Press, or listen to
audio from the Banquet.
Our 4
page bid flyer, scan and transcript by the Fritz Leiber Collection at the
University of Houston.
Worldcon Long List * * MCFI-run Worldcons: Noreascon One * * Noreascon Two * * Noreascon Three * * Noreascon Four

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