What Is Noreascon?
Noreascon is a series of Boston Worldcons (after the first) run by the Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. (MCFI)
- Noreascon (1971) was run by NESFA.
- Noreascon Two (1980)
- Noreascon Three (1989)
- Noreascon Four (2004)
- MCFI is currently considering a Noreascon Five. Stay tuned.
Noreascon has left a legacy of fannish souvenirs and equipment maintained by MCFI.
Material Added Later
Yes, even archival Websites can have new material. People might send us photos of one of our cons or scan something in.
- 2016.01.31 - Noreascon Two - Our four-page bid flyer - and it's from an unexpected location. Thanks to Paula Lieberman for the heads up.